Did you know? Which floor of the refrigerator is the warmest?

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If there is a coldest shelf in the refrigerator It must also have the warmest layer. It’s not hard to guess that the warmest part of your refrigerator is the door. The door will experience the greatest temperature change. This is because you and everyone else in the house turns it on and off very frequently.

Did you know? Which floor of the refrigerator is the warmest?

Why are door racks the warmest?

There are several reasons why door shelves are warmer than other shelves in a refrigerator. One of the main reasons is that the door shelf is closest to the heat source. That is the compressor motor. which is behind the refrigerator

Another reason is that door racks are most often opened and closed. This causes the internal temperature to change more frequently. Every time you open the refrigerator Warm air from outside will come inside. And every time you close the refrigerator Cool air from inside will go outside. This creates a temperature difference between the door shelf and the other shelves in the refrigerator.

What food should be stored on the door shelf?

This is because door shelves are warmer than other shelves. Non-perishable food should be stored on this shelf. Examples of these foods include:

Perishable foods such as meat, fish, and dairy products should be stored in cooler shelves, such as the bottom or middle shelves.

How to cool the door shelf

If you want to cool the door shelf You can do it like this:

  • Try opening and closing the refrigerator less often.
  • Close the refrigerator door completely every time you open it.
  • Clean the door rack regularly to remove food particles and bacteria. This may cause the shelf to become warmer.