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Monthly Archives: August 2023

5 common reasons why you always wake up with a stuffy nose

5 common reasons why you always wake up with a stuffy nose

Have you ever woken up in the morning and took a deep breath? for the first time of the day Only to find that you can’t take a deep breath through your nose. Many people deal with continual congestion in the morning. Dealing with morning congestion can be

5 deadly diseases from smoking that men know and must quit

5 deadly diseases from smoking that men know and must quit

regular smoking It’s very dangerous. Another one for you, man . It’s like a ticking time bomb that contains a variety of toxins. ready to destroy various systems of your body indefinitely In addition, the smell of cigarette smoke is also polluting. That negatively affects those who inhale it in the short and

9 pregnancy symptoms in the first 3 months that new mothers should know.

9 pregnancy symptoms in the first 3 months that new mothers should know.

For mothers who have been through pregnancy, you will know the symptoms. That is a sign of pregnancy as well, or some people even go through pregnancy. may not be familiar with pregnancy symptoms It is also possible Therefore, today we bring 9 pregnancy symptoms in the early stages or the first 3 months

9 risky behaviors "thin hair"

9 risky behaviors “thin hair”

People’s hair will be thinner. It is due to many reasons, including the genetic system. and living behaviors that risk causing hair loss until it reaches a critical stage, becoming a person with thin hair or baldness, which if it is a matter of the genetic system The